Call for Proposals

Call for proposals

Stakeholders in international higher education collaboration are invited to submit proposals for presentations addressing issues of importance to international higher education collaboration. Some possible themes include:

Proposal themes drafts:

      • Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and other Virtual International Partnerships
      • International agreement models and best practices
      • International student mobility trends and opportunities
      • Structuring international research partnerships
      • International internships and service learning
      • Intensive language bridge programs
      • Deepening international academic mobility through thematic clusters
      • Administering internationalization: strategies and successful practices

Presentation Format:

CONAHEC prefers that perspectives from more than one country/cultural context be represented at each session on complementary subjects. If you have colleagues with whom you can submit a joint proposal, we encourage you to do so (please verify their interest and availability to attend and present before submitting your proposal).

Preference will be given to coordinated group presentations involving representatives from multiple institutions and countries. 

You are also welcome to propose a topic alone, but in the spirit of international collaboration, you are likely to be placed into a session along with co-presenters from other countries. Concurrent session duration is one hour and fifteen minutes. Given that each session usually contains 3 co-presenters, each presenter should plan to equitably share the time with other co-presenters (regardless of format). We suggest planning for 15 minutes for audience interaction. 

Please do not identify people who will not attend the conference as “co-presenters” in the presentation proposal form. Those who do not attend the conference will not be mentioned in the conference program, unless they are referred to in the “Description” section of the presentation proposal form.

To minimize expense levels for conference participants, regretfully, presenters will not receive any compensation. Travel, lodging and conference registration fees and all other expenses will be the presenter’s sole responsibility.

Please keep a back-up of your original proposal in a separate word processing document and send it via email to so that we can be sure that all the presentations are properly received. To submit a proposal, complete the form below.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Proposal submission timeline:

Proposal submission deadline: July 24, 2024

Notification of decision: July 31, 2024

Presenter registration deadline: September 13, 2024